We know that there are different types of radio waves, each with its own different and unique characteristics and range ranges, but which of the following are radio waves that provide high-speed signal transmission?

It should be remembered that each radio wave has different wavelengths, so they have different propagation characteristics, depending on the frequency to be used.
In this way, radio waves can follow the contour of the planet, the well-known surface waves.
That is why in this article, you will know the different wave amplitudes available and how to use them, in order to get the best signal according to your requirement.
Waves with high wavelengths tend to be diffracted with the environment, either by storms or even with the ionosphere, called ionospheric waves, which can reach greater reception ranges, reaching international levels.
For their part, radio waves with shorter wavelengths are the least likely to be divided, when encountering obstacles in their propagation journey.
Although, these radio waves tend to travel in a straight line, limiting their propagation up to the range of the horizon, known as “line of sight” propagation.
In the first place, we must consider what type of message and the distance at which we want to send it since this will be affected by the radio wave that we decide to use.
There are two types of transmission in the world of broadcasting, and they are known as AM and FM, which use diverse systems of radio frequencies and therefore, different speeds and qualities of communication.

AM or amplitude modulated
It has to do with radio waves with long wavelengths, which have a high transmission range, but the message is affected by containing a lot of noise due to its amplitude.
These work in low frequency, counting in the bandwidth of between 8 and 10 kilohertz.
FM or frequency modulated
This kind of radio wave has a bandwidth of 200 kilohertz, which means, that the message will possess a higher sound quality. By working with high-frequency waves, it allows them to be used to make clear and fast messages in flat and urban areas.
That is why in FM radio we find the classification of high frequencies, whose wavelengths do not exceed 10 meters and act at frequencies between 30 megahertz, up to 3 gigahertzes.
In other words, we have a much higher transmission signal than that obtained with low-frequency waves. This allows us to give more consistent messages, with less background noise and more remarkable clarity.
And not only that, since with high-frequency waves, you can even send video messages coupled to sound, as we can see them on televisions. We appreciate this as digital terrestrial television, and it is part of the ultra-high frequency, in the range of frequencies from 470 megahertz to 790 megahertz.
In higher frequencies, mobile phone frequencies enter 900 megahertz.
The considerable disadvantage of high frequencies is that their waves, being short, are easy to collide and diffract with typical elements of similar sizes, such as buildings, cars, trees, among others, therefore generating a fading of the signal by multiple propagation paths.
Even so, the radio wave that offers the highest propagation speed is known as microwaves, is used in large areas, and is free of obstacles that prevent its transmission. Generally, microwave wave stations are located in open areas such as deserts or lakes, although they can also be encountered on top of a tall building to allow communication between several other buildings or communicate with satellites.
Currently, these microwave waves are used by hospitals, universities, telephone companies, or cable companies.

So… why is it important to know which of the following are radio waves that provide high-speed signal transmission and how we can get benefits of this knowledge?
Knowing the differences in speeds and frequency propagation is something important since this will allow the radio amateur to establish the guidelines to be able to carry out the transmission with the clarity and speed of sending necessary and correct so that his message can be transmitted in the best way to arrive in all your listeners and radio partners.
This is valuable information that although some do not give it enough importance, it is something that knowing it will allow the radio amateur to obtain important benefits in terms of the transmission capacity and range of listeners to obtain.
In addition, it will allow the amateur radio to do a better job in terms of the transmission of their messages, allowing them to obtain a more immense range of reach and thus, to be able to take their message to more people with a favorable quality.
Read More:
- What types of technology utilize Radio Waves?
- How many vibrations per second are associated with a 101-MHz Radio Wave?
After some research, when you think about which of the following are radio waves that provide high-speed signal transmission? It can be ensured that short-wave radio frequencies are those with the highest transmission speed and, in turn, offer better quality in terms of the message to be transmitted.
Even so, it must also be remembered that these short wave signals, which are used in the modulated frequency or FM, are affected in their range if they are in neighboring areas with many interfering objects, that is why long waves, which are used in the amplitude-modulated or AM system, which has a more enormous range, but with a more inferior quality in terms of the message.
For their part, microwave waves are those that possess a more superior speed than short waves and despite the fact that their transmission is known as the “line of sight”, they have a clearer and a little more durable transmission than FM.
Common FAQs
Q-1. Is the transmission by AM system better at night or in the day?
The AM system is more used in the night hours, since in this way the noise obtained by the devices of daily use that can affect the transmission is reduced, apart from the fact that the sun’s rays that are stored in the ionosphere are reduced and the message can be sent wider and with less noise.
Q-2. Do I need professional equipment to be able to transmit at high speed?
Depending on the wave frequency, since high frequencies or very high frequencies, they do not need specific equipment and common radio can work. But ultra-high frequencies or microwaves need equipment and antennas that help to transmit the signals properly.
Source URLs
- https://en.wikipedia.org
- https://sites.google.com
- Photo: amazon.com