What is SSB CB radio? and How to stay connected in style

Short-range CB radio was the first way truckers could talk to each other without stopping their vehicles. In recent years, however, truckers have begun to shift away from CB in favor of SSB (single sideband) CB radios. This has made people wonder what makes SSB so much better than traditional CB radios and why many see it as the future of long-haul communication. There are several reasons for this, but the most important ones revolve around technical limitations that plagued CB radio from its inception and still hold true today.

It’s hard to believe that CB radio has been around for almost fifty years, and during this time, its popularity has gone through several peaks and valleys. However, the story of what is SSB CB Radio and how CB radio came to be is one of legend, as several factors have combined to create the hobby we all know and love today. Here’s the story of SSB the CB radio’s journey from invention to obsession in America.

What is SSB CB radio?

SSB CB radio (also called Single-Sideband Citizens Band Radio)

An SSB on a CB radio means that it can operate in AM and FM modes. It is essential to know the difference between these two modes because if you are not careful, you could cause permanent damage to your equipment. One way to avoid this is by using an antenna tuner. The signal will be stronger in AM mode at some frequencies than others. The opposite is true for FM. Using a tuner that works in both modes will provide the best sound and protect your equipment from harm. For example, a tuner with a sideband selector switch allows you to choose between AM or FM transmission.

Another added benefit is a good one that can also work as an RF power amplifier. Some radios come equipped with built-in antennas, but even those can be enhanced by adding a better-quality external CB antenna. With many great options available today for antennas, there is no reason why anyone should settle for anything less than what they need to enjoy their CB experience fully.

What is SSB CB radio? and How to stay connected in style

The Benefits of Using an SSB On a CB Radio

There are many benefits to using an SSB on a CB radio. It allows for more channels, which means more people can use the radio simultaneously.

  • SSB on CB radio provides clearer audio quality, making it easier to communicate with others.
  • It is less susceptible to interference, meaning your conversations will be more private.
  • Another perk is that they use less power, so they’re suitable for those who run on battery power.
  • They have better security than AM or FM radios.

Some studies have shown that there is less likelihood of interference from other devices when you’re using an SSB. The clarity and privacy also make them excellent options for those who want to avoid being overheard by someone else.

The Rise of SSB CB Radio

When SSB CB radio came out, it was a game changer in the industry. Cobra Electronics first introduced SSB CB radios in 1980, and their rise to prominence was slow but steady. People were unsure how to use them when they were first introduced, and so many of them ended up in storage closets or even thrown away entirely because they didn’t know what they were used for or how to set them up correctly to use them.

CB radios have been around for decades, but they’ve seen a resurgence in popularity in recent years. Part of this is due to the rise of SSB (single sideband) CB radio. Traditional CB radios operate with AM (amplitude modulation), sometimes leading to interference with other signals and poor reception during storms. SSB uses less power, transmits more channels than AM, and allows users to talk to others over greater distances. A downside of SSB is that it’s illegal for anyone under 18 to use one, and only those 18 or older are allowed to use them on their vehicles.

Regardless, we think you’ll agree that the increased ability to communicate across vast distances makes SSB CB radios worth considering! They’re great for truckers and people who want to stay connected when camping in remote areas and for safety reasons. Not being able to contact authorities if there was an emergency could be devastating, so if you’re looking for a new way to stay safe while driving–you might want to give SSB CB radios a try!

Related: CB Radio – The changing face of the communications world and as well as CB radio

SSB CB transmission

CB radio has been around for decades but was primarily used for AM transmission. In the past few years, however, there has been a rise in the use of SSB (single sideband) transmission. This mode is more efficient and allows for clearer communication. Additionally, SSB CB radios are becoming more affordable, making them accessible to a broader range of users. While some people might still prefer an AM CB radio because they have certain features that SSB doesn’t offer, such as channels that can be shared with other operators or more power output, there are plenty of reasons why someone would want to switch over.

You might also ask, how far will an SSB CB transmit? The answer depends on your antenna’s height and the frequency you’re using. The higher your antenna, the farther you’ll be able to communicate. A good rule of thumb is that a 20-foot antenna should allow you to communicate up to 50 miles away.

Understanding what SSB mode in radio stands for

SSB mode in radio stands for Single Sideband modulation. It is a popular voice transmission mode because it takes up less bandwidth than AM and FM modes, making more channels available for voice communications. The signal strength and intelligibility are greater than those of AM and FM. Amateur radio operators first used it before being introduced to police and other public safety services.

Nowadays, SSB is also used by civilians for long-distance conversations where data transfer rates are not an issue or as a backup when other modes fail. Some people even go so far as to create custom radios with built-in SSB features. For example, Kenwood’s TH-D72A handheld Ham/CB/FRS radios have this capability out of the box.

Which CB has Single Sideband modulation?

Not all CB radios have SSB capabilities, but more and more models are being released with this feature. Some popular brands offering SSB models include Uniden, Midland, and Cobra. There are also some budget options available from manufacturers like Baofeng. SSB offers several advantages to regular FM CB radio communication, including extended transmission range, improved audio quality, and digital privacy features.

One downside is that SSB is sometimes challenging for beginners to use, so it’s best to do your research before purchasing a new SSB CB radio or investing in one as an upgrade. Another consideration is that not all states allow you to use SSB on the CB band. It’s important to check local laws before you purchase any communications equipment.

Do you need a license to operate an SSB radio?

SSB Radio License requirements vary from country to country. The FCC does not require a license for SSB radio in the US, so most operators are unlicensed. In some countries, such as the UK, a license is required to operate a transmitter at any frequency. Australia also requires a license for any transmission equipment.

The Restricted Radiotelephone Operators License is only valid with maritime SSB or VHF radios that are type-accepted for operation on the marine bands. You ARE NOT permitted to use the ham bands with it. You need an amateur radio license to use the ham bands.

The range of an SSB CB radio

An extensive communication range of 15–30 miles is provided by the SSB CB radio. The Galaxy Noise Filter (GNF) circuit aids the clear reception of distant signals in SSB mode. It recovers weak SSB signals and effectively suppresses noise. Furthermore, it does not produce any distortion, which makes it ideal for transmitting speech or music over a long distance. The downside to this setup is that you need to purchase a power amplifier separately to increase your transmission power levels so you can be heard long distances.

Suppose you want to listen to what other people are saying on the channel without transmitting. In that case, a channel monitoring feature allows you to tune into an open channel without using one of your channels. When picking out an antenna for an SSB CB radio, be sure that it can handle the frequency band and power level requirements of the radio unit itself because this will affect its performance. In most cases, longer antennas offer better performance than shorter ones do.


SSB on a CB radio is different from AM. The most obvious difference is that SSB does not have sidebands like AM. Sidebands result from the carrier wave, which needs to be suppressed to allow other audio frequencies through, which is why AM requires constant amplitude modulation. In contrast, SSB produces purer audio output without the sidebands because it uses frequency modulation. What we’ve learned so far about what is SSB CB Radio, it helps us understand that the SSB signal consists of a carrier, an upper sideband, and a lower sideband. The two sides don’t overlap as they do with AM because each has its own set of frequencies. A second advantage to using SSB is that it can’t be jammed by noise or interference as much as an AM signal can.

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